პროფესიულ განათლებაში კერძო სექტორის ჩართულობის სტიმულირება

პროფესიულ განათლებაში კერძო სექტორის ჩართულობის სტიმულირება

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Industry-led Skills Development Program is a new five-year initiative designed to partner with the private sector to produce industry-relevant human capital that will contribute to high-value employment opportunities and increased economic competitiveness in Georgia. Implemented by the International Executive Service Corps (IESC), the Program will achieve this by systematically engaging employers to equip Georgians with skills demanded in sectors with high growth potential and through the creation and replication of direct linkages between training programs and employment opportunities.

The Program will prioritize interventions under three components:

** Component 1: Incentivize private sector engagement in skills development
** Component 2: Establish short- and long-term skills training programs demanded by the private sector
** Component 3: Increase access to training opportunities for rural and priority populations

The USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program is pleased to announce a grant opportunity to Incentivize Private Sector Engagement in Skills Development through the Creation of Model Sector Skills Organizations (RFA No. 009-C1-002-2022). The Program is seeking applications from eligible organizations to develop or introduce long-term (more than 6 months per training cycle) formal and non-formal skills training programs that immediately address the skills mismatches posing current constraints to the growth of high potential sectors of the Georgian economy.

The full application, respective annexes, and supporting documentation should be submitted in electronic form to skillsgrants@iesc.org. All applications should reference RFA No. 009-C1-002-2022 and must be submitted in English. Full applications are due no later than November 25, 2022 18:00 local time.

Late or unresponsive applications will not be considered.

To make information on grants accessible to all interested stakeholders, the Program plans to hold pre-submission workshop and information session in accordance with the schedule presented in the RFA document. This workshop will give eligible and interested applicants the chance to ask questions about the RFA process and receive guidance on how to submit an application. Applicants can also send questions about the application process to skillsgrants@iesc.org until November 11, 2022. All answers to questions asked at the pre-submission workshop and/or through email will be time by time posted to the Program`s Facebook and web page.

Program`s Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/USAIDSkillsProgram
Program`s Web Page – https://iesc.org/program/usaid-industry-led-skills-development/

For further details on the Program and application process, please refer to the attached documents with Annexes.
