Supporting Local Business to Organize the Freeride World Tour Qualifier Events in Ski and Snowboard Disciplines
The USAID Economic Security Program is pleased to announce its Request for Applications RFA-029 “Supporting Local Business to Organize the Freeride World Tour Qualifier Events in Ski and Snowboard Disciplines”.
The USAID Economic Security Program (the Program) is a five-year, USAID-funded project implemented by DAI to accelerate broad-based growth of sectors that show strong potential to create jobs, to increase incomes, to increase micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) revenues, and to support diversification to more productive economic activities.
The Program intends to award one grant under this RFA for interested micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), to provide financial support for the organization of “Svaneti Freeride Week”, which will include two sporting events (freeride ski/snowboard races) with the minimum grades of Freeride World Tour Qualifier 2-star and 3-star competitions (or higher) in Ski and Snowboard disciplines during the winter season of 2022-2023. The activity aims to establish Svaneti as a major destination for freeride skiing and to position it as a top choice for both professional and amateur extreme skiers and snowboarders. Furthermore, the activity`s overall goal is to raise global awareness of Georgia as a winter sports and tourism destination.
Subject to the availability of funds, DAI intends to provide the grant under this RFA to one entity listed in Section A “Eligibility requirements” up to the 150, 000 GEL. This amount is a ceiling for each grant application.
Applications must be received no later than 6:00pm on September 5, 2022. Applications and modifications must be submitted in pdf (preferred) or other electronic format to the Program`s grants staff at
Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of DAI, nor does it commit DAI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. Further, DAI reserves the right to reject any or all applications received. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant`s expense.
Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing not later than August 18, 2022 to
Response to the questions will be provided no later than August 19, 2022. Please, note that responses to the question might be shared publicly hence do not submit the questions that may include sensitive information regarding your organization and/or application.
Information session for the RFA-029 will be held online at 12pm, on August 18, 2022. The links to the session will be sent by email to the organizations
Please follow the link to join the online information meeting:
Meeting ID: 274 793 324 508
Passcode: 3JHNhF
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