Neil Ker Memorial Fund

Neil Ker Memorial Fund

წყარო: The British Academy

The object of this fund, established by the family and friends of Neil R Ker FBA, is to promote the study of Western medieval manuscripts, in particular those of British interest; that is enabling investigation of their production (including decoration), readership and use in particular.

The fund is not intended to support research visits to read manuscripts for their textual / historical or literary purposes.


Applications are invited from both early career and established scholars of any nationality, engaged on original research intended to produce monographs, editions or studies of documents, texts or illustrations, that include the analysis of the material features of original manuscripts. Awards are offered to support any aspect of research, including travel and publication. Grants are not available to fund attendance at conferences or seminars.

Level of award

Awards do not normally exceed £2,000.

Length of award

Grants are tenable for 12 months at a time. Re-applications for subsequent phases of research may be considered.

Earliest start date: 1 Apr 2023

Scheme opens date: 16 Nov 2022

Deadline date: 11 Jan 2023 – 17:00 GMT

Duration of award: 12 months

Contact details

020 7969 5217
