new funding call for European Heritage Days 2023
წყარო: European Commission
The European Heritage Days are events which bring European citizens together to celebrate, share and support the work being undertaken by communities in Europe. Their pan-European nature helps highlight cultural heritage’s European dimension and value.
With the European Heritage Stories, communities across the continent are invited to share their special stories about Europe’s cultural heritage.
About the call
The new call aims to
- encourage people to engage with Europe’s cultural heritage and reinforce a sense of belonging to the European common space
- collect testimonies/stories that give an insight into how communities understand the European dimension of local heritage
- identify and promote communities working with heritage in line with European values and with a long-term perspective of collaboration
- reward communities for their efforts and encourage them to develop their stories further
- motivate and encourage communities, European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Award winners and European Heritage Label Sites to participate in the European Heritage Days
All of the stories that meet the eligibility criteria will be published as European Heritage Days Stories, promoted at European level, and receive a grant of up to to €10,000.
How to apply
The deadline for applications is 28 February 2023. You can submit your application in English or French.
Selection criteria
Selection is based on the following themes:
- submission of an informative and interesting well-written Story (max. 10 points)
- European Dimension of the project idea and to what extent it can serve as an example of good practice for other countries and communities (max. 15 points)
- connection of the Story and accompanying project idea with the European Heritage Days priorities of diversity, education, community participation and engagement, environmental protection, gender equality and/or youth orientation (max. 20 points)
- originality and creativity of the project idea (max. 10 points)
- feasibility of the project idea to be completed within a clearly defined timeframe and within the maximum grant allocation available (max. 20 points)
- potential of the proposed project to have positive outcomes for the community (max. 15 points)
Any ONE of the following criteria will be considered as an added benefit (max. 10 points in total):
- long-term potential of the project (sustainability)
- cross-frontier dimension of the project
- inclusion of vulnerable and minority groups, young people and children
Maximum points available = 100
The 20 highest ranking project ideas will then be invited to submit detailed project proposals and budgets to be considered for the next stage of the grant award procedure.
The full selection process and criteria are described on the European Heritage Days Stories page.
The winners will be announced on 15 June 2023.
European Heritage Days
The European Heritage Days action is one of the most widely celebrated participatory cultural events in Europe.
It was started in 1985 by the Council of Europe, and in 1999 was joined by the European Union to create the joint action that has continued up to the present day. The programme, which attracts millions of visitors every year, emphasises the great value of cultural heritage.